Thursday, March 27, 2025

Founder of Sikh Wisdom – Amrit Pal Singh Sachdeva – born and brought up in a Sikh family in Chandigarh, India, came to the UK in 2001 and has since been living there with his family.

Sikh Wisdom is a FREE Q&A platform for people to learn about Sikhi. The platform allows users to ask any question about Sikhi which will be answered by Sikh Scholars and anyone else who feels qualified. The objective is to help everyone, especially the Sikh community, learn about the message of the Bani enshrined in Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji. This platform allows Gurbani-based answers to be shared with anyone who is looking to learn and expand their knowledge of Sikhism.

In a very short period, nearly 2000 questions have already been answered by Sikh Scholars and other Sikh Wisdom users. The platform has also had a great response to various other features such as the Perspectives section and Principles of Sikhism section where users can read about different topics within Sikhi. They have also created a Kids Zone page where users aged below 16 can learn more about Sikhi and Sikh History through the questions and answers given.

The platform is available on all devices at or you can download the Sikh Wisdom app on both Android and IOS devices.

Global Sikh Council (GSC), Voice of the Sikhs Worldwide, held its Annual General Body meeting on Saturday, March 26. Whereby, Amrit Pal Singh Sachdeva (Founder of Sikh Wisdom) was unanimously voted to be the new President of the Global Sikh Council.

The objective of GSC is to be the voice of Sikhs worldwide. GSC is a global platform to raise concerns of the Global level Sikh Community with Governmental and non-Governmental entities. To work towards their objectives, they have several projects such as Sikhi Renaissance, Sikhi Parsaar, and Women empowerment – that focus on spreading the message of Sikhi, instilling Gurbani-based values, and increasing interest in Sikhi amongst the youth.

GSC is networking with other organizations that are serving the Global Sikh Community in various areas. Current members of the network include Sikh Wisdom, EkamSikh, KhojGurbani, Fateh Foundation, Sikhville, SmartSikh, SikhSaakhi, and Jeevan Jaach.

Amrit Pal Singh Sachdeva and the rest of the GSC management urge all Sikh organisations and Sikh individuals to join GSC’s efforts to serve the Sikh Community and spread awareness and knowledge of Sikhi to the non-Sikh population worldwide.

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